Arkansas Human Development Corporation


Community / Economic DevelopmentPost-Secondary

About Us

The Arkansas Human Development Corporation (AHDC) is a state-wide private non-profit corporation, that provides workforce development, health outreach and education and economic development services. Our purpose for joining the Phillips County Chamber of Commerce is to collaborate with business and industry as we implement the National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP). The NFJP is a U.S. Department of Labor funded program, whose purpose is two fold: train or retrain seasonally employed agricultural workers and their dependents for fulltime positions within the agricultural industry; or train and equip seasonally employed or unemployed agricultural workers, often referred to as farmworkers, for jobs outside agriculture. Training may be provided at local colleges, such as community colleges or technical schools, or through private training agreements with private and public and employers, where the NFJP shares the cost of training or pays the entire cost of training. If training is conducted in a college setting, the NFJP will pay the full cost of tuition, books and supplies, provide a stipend for each hour of training and assist with the purchase of tools and uniforms. All cost is after application of other grants in aid. The NFJP can also assist with support services such as emergency assistance with transportation, food, housing, health and medical assistance and child care. Assistance finding and maintaining employment is provided for up to 12 months after the completion of specific training. AHDC has administered the NFJP and its predecessor programs for over 40 years and has established relationships with almost every two year college in Arkansas, as well other specialized training institutions such as Truck Driver and Certified Nursing Assistant programs. Training has been provided in almost every occupational skills category offered by community and technical colleges but eligible courses must be recognized by the Demand Occupation List prepared by the Local Workforce Development Board serving the particular region of the State.

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111 Hickory Hill Dr., Helena, AR 72342 – (870) 338-8327 –